10 Habits Of Great Singers

Today we are going to discuss about the singing and how professional singers maintain their voice in different climate and conditions.
As we know a few things are equal for everyone, like weather, climate etc..It can not be changed for every individual.For example if a place is too cold,then its equally going to effect the two singers.It doesn't matter who is new and who is professional.Nature never do any partiality between two people.So you might have seen that those who are hard core singers they never give excuse that my throat is stuck or i am suffering from cough etc etc what usually many new singers say.
Some great habits which act like a protection to them when it comes to perform in difficult conditions.
Here are those 10 habits which can make you great singer in any condition.

1) Speak Less

2) Eat Healthy - No Outside Food and Junk Food

3) Early Morning Practice - Practice at 5-8 am its usually gives 10 times better result.

4) Speak in Base Voice

5) Take good sleep

6) Sleep early and getup early for practice

7) Practice in front of  Mirror

8) Do yoga and Meditation Daily - It will improve your immunity and make you strong.

9) Daily Exercise : Keep yourself Fit.

10) Take Healthy Food - Add these in food as these are good for vocal chords like Egg , Chicken, Honey, Milk  etc.
In next article we will publish a complete list of food habits which is good for singers.Keep growing and keep visiting here.Thank you for reading this blog.

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